Research & Publications
Marumali Consultations consultants are experienced researchers and assist organisations with qualitative and quantitative investigations. Although Clinton Schultz and Stacey Vervoort undertake research with any population or group, they specialise in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
Marumali Consultations assists organisations with:
Program Evaluations
Literature Reviews
Critical Analysis
Theoretical Development
Statistical Analysis
Marumali Consultations specialises in undertaking culturally appropriate qualitative research in the Health and Wellbeing, Education and Community Controlled sectors.
Our research and development is informed by:
Figure 1. Determinants of social and emotional wellbeing (Gee, Dudgeon & Schultz, 2013).
Professional and Community Development, Research, Contributions, Publications and Presentations
2018 - Winner - Griffith University Most Outstanding First Nations Alumnus Award (Clinton Schultz)
2017 - Keynote Speaker Boarding Australia Conference - Gold Coast
2016 - Keynote Speaker QAIHC Worker Wellbeing Forum – Gold Coast
2015 - Keynote Speaker TMML SEWB Conference – Townsville
2014 - Keynote Presenter National SEWB Conference - Brisbane
2014 - Guest Speaker and Panelist - Northern Territory Suicide Prevention and SEWB Conference
2014 - Publication: 'Sharing Culture - Social and Emotional Wellbeing: An Indigenous Point of View' by Clinton Schultz
2013 - Guest Speaker IAHA Conference - Adelaide
2013 - Guest Speaker SEWB and Indigenous Psychology AASP Conference – Jogjakarta, Indonesia
2013 - Facilitator PD SEWB Training for QLD Transcultural Mental Health Team – Brisbane
2013 - Guest Presenter NSW SEWB Workforce Support Unit Forum – Wagga Wagga
2013 - Guest Contributor, MH & SEWB National Round Table – Perth
2013 - Guest Presenter, The MHS Summer Forum – Sydney
2013 - Guest Presenter, Interdisciplinary Teams Symposium – Griffith University
2012 - LIME ‘Talking with Indigenous patients’ – A workshop using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander simulated patients for cultural competency education for 1st year medical students
2012 - Publication on Institutional Racism for ANZ Organisational Psychology Journal. 'Institutional racism within Psychology and other Allied Health Practices – An Indigenous Workers Perspective'
2012 - Guest Presenter, IAHA Annual Conference – Brisbane
2012 - Presenter, World Population Health Congress - Adelaide
2012 - NHCCN Steering Committee member
2012 - Cancer Council Queensland Tackle Indigenous Tobacco Use Steering Committee member
2011-2012 - ATSIHWC Steering Committee member
2011 - Keynote Presenter Maori Health and Wellbeing Consortium Rotorua, NZ
2011 - Keynote Presenter Kia Piki Te Ora Suicide Prevention Conference, NZ
2011 - Facilitator IMHFA Mibbinbah Men’s Social Emotional Wellbeing Camp
2011 - Facilitator Queensland Closing the Gap State Meeting
2011 - Guest Presenter 4th National Mental Health conference
2010 - Keynote Presenter, Asia Pacific Suicide Prevention conference
2010 - Guest Presenter, Indigenous Health Care Delivery conference
2010 - Keynote Presenter, QAIHC regional forum
2010 - Guest Presenter, Creating Futures conference
2010 - Guest Presenter, ICAP Conference
2010 - Guest Expert Witness , Congressional hearing into community suicide
2009 - University of Queensland - guest lecturer on Indigenous Cultural Competence
2009 - Guest Presenter ACT Conference “Engaging Fathers"
2008-current - Kalwun Indigenous Health Centre, volunteer Men’s Social and Emotional Wellbeing Support
2008-2009 - Guest Lecturer on Indigenous Cultural Competence, Griffith University
Professional Publications
Gee, G., Dudgeon, P., Schultz, C., Hart, A., & Kelly, K. (2014). Social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. In P. Dudgeon, R. Walker & H. Milroy (Eds.), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (2 ed.). Canberra: Department of health and ageing.
Schultz, C., Walker, R., Bessarab, D., Macleod, J., Marriott, R., & McMillan, F. (2014). Interdisciplinary care to enhance social and emotional wellbeing including mental health. In P. Dudgeon, R. Walker & H. Milroy (Eds.), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (2 ed.). Canberra: Department of health and ageing.
Walker, R., Schultz, C., & Sonn, C. (2014). Cultural competence – transforming Aboriginal mental health practice and policy. In P. Dudgeon, R. Walker & H. Milroy (Eds.), Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health principles and practice (2 ed.). Canberra: Department of health and ageing.
Schultz, C. (2013). Maintaining Strong Being : A new theory of resilience grounded in the lived experiences and knowledge’s of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing Workers. Confirmation paper. Griffith Health Institute School of Public Health,. Griffith University. Gold Coast Qld.